Kids Room Space Universe Anti-Slip 3D Rug



3D Rug! Made from 100% Polyester and designed in a modern style, this rug is perfect for spicing up your living room, kid's room, or bedroom. Hand washable and featuring a scenic pattern, it's an eye-catching addition to any space. Transform your home decor today!

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SPECIFICATIONS3D Rug! Made from 100% Polyester and designed in a modern style, this rug is perfect for spicing up your... Leer más...

SKU: 14:200006152#11;5:557868959#50x80cm 20x23 inch

$41.99$25.99 Sin IVA

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      3D Rug! Made from 100% Polyester and designed in a modern style, this rug is perfect for spicing up your living room, kid's room, or bedroom. Hand washable and featuring a scenic pattern, it's an eye-catching addition to any space. Transform your home decor today!

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